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BOSSERVER(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Initializes the BOS Server.

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bosserver(8) referred by afs(1) | BosLog(5) | FORCESALVAGE(5) | NoAuth(5) | rxdebug(1) | SALVAGE.fs(5)
refer to bos(8) | bos_create(8) | bos_exec(8) | bos_getlog(8) | bos_getrestart(8) | bos_restart(8) | bos_setrestricted(8) | bos_shutdown(8) | bos_start(8) | bos_startup(8) | bos_status(8) | bos_stop(8) | BosConfig(5) | BosLog(5) | fileserver(8) | NoAuth(5)
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