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EXLIGHTS(3ALLEG4) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

One way to do colored lighting effects in a hicolor video mode. Allegro game programming library.

version 4.4.2
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exlights(3alleg4) referred by bitmap_color_depth(3alleg4) | bmp_unwrite_line(3alleg4) | bmp_write_line(3alleg4) | circlefill(3alleg4) | COLOR_MAP(3alleg4) | color_map(3alleg4) | create_bitmap_ex(3alleg4) | draw_trans_sprite(3alleg4) | fixatan2(3alleg4) | fixsqrt(3alleg4) | fixtoi(3alleg4) | getpixel(3alleg4) | getr_depth(3alleg4) | hsv_to_rgb(3alleg4) | itofix(3alleg4) | mouse_x(3alleg4) | poll_mouse(3alleg4) | retrace_count(3alleg4) | select_palette(3alleg4) | set_color_conversion(3alleg4)
refer to allegro_error(3alleg4) | allegro_init(3alleg4) | BITMAP(3alleg4) | bitmap_color_depth(3alleg4) | blit(3alleg4) | bmp_unwrite_line(3alleg4) | bmp_write_line(3alleg4) | circlefill(3alleg4) | clear_keybuf(3alleg4) | COLOR_MAP(3alleg4) | color_map(3alleg4) | create_bitmap_ex(3alleg4) | destroy_bitmap(3alleg4) | draw_trans_sprite(3alleg4) | END_OF_MAIN(3alleg4) | fixatan2(3alleg4) | fixsqrt(3alleg4) | fixtoi(3alleg4) | getpixel(3alleg4) | getr_depth(3alleg4)
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