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XALLOCCLASSHINT(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Allocate class hints structure and set or read a.

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XAllocClassHint(3) referred by irxevent(1) | XAllocIconSize(3) | XAllocSizeHints(3) | XAllocWMHints(3) | XSetCommand(3) | XSetTextProperty(3) | XSetTransientForHint(3) | XSetWMClientMachine(3) | XSetWMColormapWindows(3) | XSetWMIconName(3) | XSetWMName(3) | XSetWMProperties(3) | XSetWMProtocols(3) | XStringListToTextProperty(3)
refer to XAllocIconSize(3) | XAllocSizeHints(3) | XAllocWMHints(3) | XFree(3) | XSetCommand(3) | XSetTextProperty(3) | XSetWMClientMachine(3) | XSetWMIconName(3) | XSetWMName(3) | XSetWMProperties(3) | XSetWMProtocols(3) | XStringListToTextProperty(3)
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