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XMCONTAINER(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

The Container widget class "XmContainer" "container" "Container".

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XmContainer(3) referred by XmContainerCopy(3) | XmContainerCopyLink(3) | XmContainerCut(3) | XmContainerGetItemChildren(3) | XmContainerPaste(3) | XmContainerPasteLink(3) | XmContainerRelayout(3) | XmContainerReorder(3) | XmCreateContainer(3) | XmIconGadget(3) | XmVaCreateContainer(3)
refer to Composite(3) | Constraint(3) | Core(3) | VirtualBindings(3) | XmContainerReorder(3) | XmCreateContainer(3) | XmCreateIconGadget(3) | XmManager(3) | XmVaCreateContainer(3)
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