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CLCOMPILEPROGRAM(3CLC) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Compiles a program’s source for all the devices or a specific device(s) in the OpenCL.

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clCompileProgram(3clc) referred by clCreateKernelsInProgram(3clc) | clGetKernelArgInfo(3clc) | clGetProgramBuildInfo(3clc) | clGetProgramInfo(3clc) | clLinkProgram(3clc) | clSetEventCallback(3clc) | clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback(3clc) | clUnloadPlatformCompiler(3clc) | preprocessorDirectives(3clc)
refer to clCreateProgramWithBinary(3clc) | clCreateProgramWithSource(3clc) | clGetDeviceInfo(3clc) | clGetKernelArgInfo(3clc) | clGetProgramInfo(3clc) | clLinkProgram(3clc)
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