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CLSETKERNELARG(3CLC) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Used to set the argument value for a specific argument of a kernel.

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clSetKernelArg(3clc) referred by clCreateKernel(3clc) | clCreateKernelsInProgram(3clc) | clGetKernelArgInfo(3clc) | clGetKernelInfo(3clc) | clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(3clc) | clReleaseKernel(3clc) | clRetainKernel(3clc) | sampler_t(3clc)
refer to clCreateKernel(3clc) | clCreateKernelsInProgram(3clc) | clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(3clc) | clEnqueueTask(3clc) | clGetKernelInfo(3clc) | clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(3clc) | clReleaseKernel(3clc) | clRetainKernel(3clc) | constant(3clc) | global(3clc) | local(3clc)
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