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DAEMON(7) - Linux manual page online | Overview, conventions, and miscellany

Writing and packaging system daemons.

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daemon(7) referred by crmd(7) | daemon(3) | init(1) | lbcd(8) | remctld(8) | sd-daemon(3) | sd_listen_fds(3) | sd_notify(3) | sd_watchdog_enabled(3) | systemd(1) | systemd.directives(7) | systemd.index(7)
refer to autoconf(1) | daemon(3) | file-hierarchy(7) | rpm(8) | sd-daemon(3) | sd_listen_fds(3) | sd_notify(3) | systemctl(1) | systemd(1) | systemd-journald.service(8) | systemd.device(5) | systemd.exec(5) | systemd.path(5) | systemd.service(5) | systemd.socket(5) | systemd.special(7) | systemd.timer(5) | systemd.unit(5)
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