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GDNSD(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

An authoritative DNS daemon.

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gdnsd(8) referred by gdnsd-plugin-api(3) | gdnsd-plugin-extfile(8) | gdnsd-plugin-extmon(8) | gdnsd-plugin-geoip(8) | gdnsd-plugin-http_status(8) | gdnsd-plugin-metafo(8) | gdnsd-plugin-multifo(8) | gdnsd-plugin-null(8) | gdnsd-plugin-reflect(8) | gdnsd-plugin-simplefo(8) | gdnsd-plugin-static(8) | gdnsd-plugin-tcp_connect(8) | gdnsd-plugin-weighted(8) | gdnsd.config(5) | gdnsd.djbdns(5) | gdnsd.zonefile(5) | gdnsd_geoip_test(1)
refer to gdnsd-plugin-extmon(8) | gdnsd.config(5) | gdnsd.djbdns(5) | gdnsd.zonefile(5)
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