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KERBEROS(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Introduction to the Kerberos system.

Jun 27, 2013
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kerberos(8) referred by gss_accept_sec_context(3) | gss_acquire_cred(3) | gss_add_cred(3) | gss_add_oid_set_member(3) | gss_canonicalize_name(3) | gss_compare_name(3) | gss_context_time(3) | gss_create_empty_oid_set(3) | gss_delete_sec_context(3) | gss_display_name(3) | gss_display_status(3) | gss_duplicate_name(3) | gss_export_name(3) | gss_export_sec_context(3) | gss_get_mic(3) | gss_import_name(3) | gss_import_sec_context(3) | gss_indicate_mechs(3) | gss_init_sec_context(3) | gss_inquire_context(3)
refer to FTP(1) | kadmin(1) | kdc(8) | kdestroy(1) | kinit(1) | klist(1) | kpasswd(1) | krb5.conf(5) | ktutil(1)
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