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LIBMODBUS(7) - Linux manual page online | Overview, conventions, and miscellany

A fast and portable Modbus library.

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libmodbus(7) referred by modbus_get_header_length(3) | modbus_reply(3) | modbus_reply_exception(3)
refer to modbus_close(3) | modbus_connect(3) | modbus_flush(3) | modbus_free(3) | modbus_get_byte_from_bits(3) | modbus_get_byte_timeout(3) | modbus_get_float(3) | modbus_get_header_length(3) | modbus_get_response_timeout(3) | modbus_get_socket(3) | modbus_mapping_free(3) | modbus_mapping_new(3) | modbus_new_rtu(3) | modbus_new_tcp(3) | modbus_new_tcp_pi(3) | modbus_read_bits(3) | modbus_read_input_bits(3) | modbus_read_input_registers(3) | modbus_read_registers(3) | modbus_receive(3)
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