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LINE(3ALLEG4) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Draws a line onto the bitmap. Allegro game programming library.

version 4.4.2
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This manual Reference Other manuals
line(3alleg4) referred by do_line(3alleg4) | ex12bit(3alleg4) | ex3d(3alleg4) | exconfig(3alleg4) | excustom(3alleg4) | exexedat(3alleg4) | exflame(3alleg4) | exlights(3alleg4) | exquat(3alleg4) | exshade(3alleg4) | exspline(3alleg4) | exupdate(3alleg4) | exxfade(3alleg4) | fastline(3alleg4) | hline(3alleg4) | vline(3alleg4)
refer to do_line(3alleg4) | fastline(3alleg4) | hline(3alleg4) | makecol(3alleg4) | vline(3alleg4)
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