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LIRCD(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Decode infrared signals and provide them on a socket.

Last change: Jun 2017
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This manual Reference Other manuals
lircd(8) referred by ircat(1) | irpipe(1) | irsend(1) | irtext2udp(1) | lirc(4) | lirc-config-tool(1) | lirc-lsplugins(1) | lircd-setup(8) | lircd-uinput(8) | lircd.conf(5) | lircmd(8) | lircrcd(8)
refer to chmod(1) | irdb-get(1) | irrecord(1) | irsend(1) | lirc(4) | lirc-setup(1) | lircd-uinput(8) | lircd.conf(5) | mode2(1)
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