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MATHFUNCTIONS(3CLC) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

The table below describes the list of built-in math functions. These functions can.

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mathFunctions(3clc) referred by acos(3clc) | asin(3clc) | atan(3clc) | cbrt(3clc) | ceil(3clc) | cl_khr_fp16(3clc) | copysign(3clc) | cos(3clc) | divide(3clc) | erf(3clc) | exp(3clc) | fabs(3clc) | fdim(3clc) | floor(3clc) | fma(3clc) | fmax(3clc) | fmin(3clc) | fmod(3clc) | FP_CONTRACT(3clc) | fract(3clc)
refer to acos(3clc) | asin(3clc) | atan(3clc) | cbrt(3clc) | ceil(3clc) | cl_khr_fp16(3clc) | copysign(3clc) | cos(3clc) | divide(3clc) | erf(3clc) | exp(3clc) | fabs(3clc) | fdim(3clc) | floor(3clc) | fma(3clc) | fmax(3clc) | fmin(3clc) | fmod(3clc) | FP_CONTRACT(3clc) | fract(3clc)
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