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ONSGMLS(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

An SGML/XML parser and validator.

November 2002
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onsgmls(1) referred by debiandoc-sgml(1) | hxpipe(1) | hxunpipe(1) | instant(1) | jw(1) | linuxdoc(1) | Locale::Po4a::Sgml(3pm) | openjade-1.4devel(1) | osgmlnorm(1) | ospam(1) | ospcat(1) | ospent(1) | osx(1) | sgml2latex(1) | sgmldiff(1) | sgmlspl(1) | transpec(5)
refer to osgmlnorm(1) | ospam(1) | ospent(1) | osx(1)
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