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PNMDEPTH(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Change the maxval in a portable anymap.

08 April 2000
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pnmdepth(1) referred by jpegtopnm(1) | mgp(1x) | pbmfilters(1) | pgmedge(1) | pgmtoppm(1) | pnm(5) | pnmcolormap(1) | pnmhisteq(1) | pnmquant(1) | pnmremap(1) | pnmtotiff(1) | ppmcolors(1) | ppmdither(1) | ppmforge(1) | ppmquant(1) | ppmtopj(1)
refer to pnm(5) | ppmdither(1) | ppmquant(1)
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