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PSRESIZE(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Rescales and centers a document for new output paper size.

PSUtils Release 1 Patchlevel 17
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This manual Reference Other manuals
psresize(1) referred by epsffit(1) | extractres(1) | fixdlsrps(1) | fixfmps(1) | fixpsditps(1) | fixpspps(1) | fixscribeps(1) | fixtpps(1) | fixwfwps(1) | fixwpps(1) | fixwwps(1) | getafm(1) | includeres(1) | psbook(1) | psmerge(1) | psnup(1) | psselect(1) | pstops(1) | showchar(1)
refer to epsffit(1) | extractres(1) | fixdlsrps(1) | fixfmps(1) | fixpsditps(1) | fixpspps(1) | fixscribeps(1) | fixtpps(1) | fixwfwps(1) | fixwpps(1) | fixwwps(1) | getafm(1) | includeres(1) | psbook(1) | psmerge(1) | psnup(1) | psselect(1) | pstops(1) | showchar(1)
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