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SENDFAX(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Send group 3 fax files (G3 files) with a class 2 faxmodem.

27 Oct 93
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This manual Reference Other manuals
sendfax(8) referred by faxqueue(5) | faxrm(1) | faxrunq(1) | faxrunqd(8) | faxspool(1) | g32pbm(1) | g3cat(1) | g3tolj(1) | g3toxwd(1) | mgetty(8) | mgetty-fax(1) | pbm2g3(1) | xferfaxlog(5) | xferfaxstats(8)
refer to faxrunq(1) | faxrunqd(8) | faxspool(1) | g3cat(1) | pbm2g3(1)
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