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VOTEQUORUM_SETVOTES(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Sets the number of votes for a node.

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votequorum_setvotes(3) referred by votequorum_context_get(3) | votequorum_context_set(3) | votequorum_overview(8) | votequorum_qdevice_master_wins(3) | votequorum_qdevice_poll(3) | votequorum_qdevice_register(3) | votequorum_qdevice_unregister(3) | votequorum_qdevice_update(3)
refer to info(3tcl) | votequorum_context_get(3) | votequorum_context_set(3) | votequorum_fd_get(3) | votequorum_finalize(3) | votequorum_initialize(3) | votequorum_overview(8) | votequorum_trackstart(3) | votequorum_trackstop(3)
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