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WALL(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Write a message to all users.

August 2013
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wall(1) referred by apccontrol(8) | apmd(8) | bsd-write(1) | cowsay(6) | dump(8) | halt(8) | kded4(8) | mesg(1) | nwall(1) | rpc.rwalld(8) | rsyslog.conf(5) | rwall(1) | shutdown(8) | systemctl(1) | systemd-ask-password(1) | systemd-ask-password-console.service(8) | systemd-tty-ask-password-agent(1) | telinit(8) | upsmon(8) | xwrited(1)
refer to mesg(1) | shutdown(8) | talk(1posix) | utmp(5) | write(1posix)
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