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WNINTRO(5WN) - Linux manual page online | File formats

Introduction to descriptions of WordNet file formats.

Dec 2006
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This manual Reference Other manuals
wnintro(5WN) referred by binsrch(3WN) | cntlist(5WN) | lexnames(5WN) | senseidx(5WN) | wndb(5WN) | wnintro(1WN) | wnintro(3WN) | wnintro(7WN) | wnpkgs(7WN) | wnutil(3WN)
refer to cntlist(5WN) | lexnames(5WN) | senseidx(5WN) | wndb(5WN) | wngloss(7WN) | wnintro(1WN) | wnintro(3WN) | wnintro(7WN)
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