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YUVSCALER(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

UPscales or DOWNscales a YUV4MPEG2 stream to a specified format.

26 Septembre 2001
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This manual Reference Other manuals
yuvscaler(1) referred by jpeg2yuv(1) | lav2yuv(1) | lavpipe(1) | mjpegtools(1) | mp2enc(1) | mpeg2enc(1) | mplex(1) | png2yuv(1) | y4mscaler(1) | yuv2lav(1) | yuvfps(1) | yuvinactive(1) | yuvmedianfilter(1)
refer to lav2yuv(1) | lavpipe(1) | mjpegtools(1) | mpeg2enc(1)
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