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ZFS(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Configures ZFS file systems.

January 10, 2018
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This manual Reference Other manuals
zfs(8) referred by mount.zfs(8) | zdb(8) | zed(8) | zfs-auto-snapshot(8) | zfs-events(5) | zhack(1) | zinject(8) | zpios(1) | zpool(8) | zpool-features(5) | zstreamdump(8)
refer to acl(5) | attr(1) | chmod(2) | exportfs(8) | exports(5) | fsync(2) | getxattr(2) | gzip(1) | ls(1) | mkswap(8) | mount(8) | net(8) | selinux(8) | setxattr(2) | smb.conf(5) | ssh(1) | stat(2) | swapon(8) | systemd.mount(5) | write(2)
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