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GET_CONFIG_STRING(3ALLEG4) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Retrieves a string from the configuration file. Allegro game programming library.

version 4.4.2
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get_config_string(3alleg4) referred by exconfig(3alleg4) | get_config_argv(3alleg4) | get_config_float(3alleg4) | get_config_hex(3alleg4) | get_config_id(3alleg4) | get_config_int(3alleg4) | get_config_text(3alleg4) | list_config_entries(3alleg4) | list_config_sections(3alleg4) | reload_config_texts(3alleg4) | set_config_data(3alleg4) | set_config_file(3alleg4) | set_config_string(3alleg4)
refer to exconfig(3alleg4) | get_config_argv(3alleg4) | get_config_hex(3alleg4) | get_config_int(3alleg4) | get_config_text(3alleg4) | set_config_file(3alleg4) | set_config_string(3alleg4)
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