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NNRPD(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

NNTP server for reader clients.

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nnrpd(8) referred by active.times(5) | auth_krb5(8) | ckpasswd(8) | ctlinnd(8) | cycbuff.conf(5) | distrib.pats(5) | distributions(5) | domain(8) | getlist(1) | hosts.nntp(5) | ident(8) | in.nnrpd(8) | inn.conf(5) | innbind(8) | innd(8) | | innreport(8) | innstat(8) | libauth(3) | libinnhist(3)
refer to ctlinnd(8) | inetd(8) | inn.conf(5) | innd(8) | ps(1) | readers.conf(5) | signal(2) | syslog(3) | uwildmat(3) | xinetd(8)
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