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BITMAP(3ALLEG4) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Stores the contents of a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.

version 4.4.2
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BITMAP(3alleg4) referred by COMPILED_SPRITE(3alleg4) | ex12bit(3alleg4) | ex3buf(3alleg4) | ex3d(3alleg4) | exaccel(3alleg4) | exalpha(3alleg4) | exbitmap(3alleg4) | exblend(3alleg4) | excamera(3alleg4) | excolmap(3alleg4) | exconfig(3alleg4) | excustom(3alleg4) | exdbuf(3alleg4) | exflip(3alleg4) | exjoy(3alleg4) | exlights(3alleg4) | exmem(3alleg4) | exmouse(3alleg4) | expackf(3alleg4) | expat(3alleg4)
refer to bitmap_color_depth(3alleg4) | COMPILED_SPRITE(3alleg4) | create_bitmap(3alleg4) | RLE_SPRITE(3alleg4) | set_clip_rect(3alleg4)
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