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MBK_CATA_LIB(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Define the mbk catalog directory.

October 1, 1997
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This manual Reference Other manuals
MBK_CATA_LIB(1) referred by catal(5) | cougar(1) | filepath(3) | genlib(1) | GENLIB_LOINS(3) | GENLIB_LOINSE(3) | GENLIB_PLACE(3) | GENLIB_PLACE_BOTTOM(3) | GENLIB_PLACE_LEFT(3) | GENLIB_PLACE_ON(3) | GENLIB_PLACE_RIGHT(3) | GENLIB_PLACE_TOP(3) | graal(1) | incatalog(3) | incatalogdelete(3) | incatalogfeed(3) | incataloggds(3) | loadlofig(3) | loadphfig(3) | lvx(1)
refer to genlib(1) | mbk(3) | MBK_WORK_LIB(1)
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