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CPG_OVERVIEW(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

CPG library overview.

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cpg_overview(8) referred by corosync(8) | corosync_overview(8) | cpg_context_get(3) | cpg_context_set(3) | cpg_dispatch(3) | cpg_fd_get(3) | cpg_finalize(3) | cpg_initialize(3) | cpg_iteration_finalize(3) | cpg_iteration_initialize(3) | cpg_iteration_next(3) | cpg_join(3) | cpg_leave(3) | cpg_local_get(3) | cpg_mcast_joined(3) | cpg_membership_get(3) | cpg_model_initialize(3) | cpg_zcb_alloc(3) | cpg_zcb_free(3) | cpg_zcb_mcast_joined(3)
refer to cpg_context_set(3) | cpg_dispatch(3) | cpg_fd_get(3) | cpg_finalize(3) | cpg_initialize(3) | cpg_iteration_finalize(3) | cpg_iteration_initialize(3) | cpg_join(3) | cpg_leave(3) | cpg_local_get(3) | cpg_mcast_joined(3) | cpg_model_initialize(3) | cpg_zcb_alloc(3) | cpg_zcb_free(3) | cpg_zcb_mcast_joined(3)
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