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DHCPD(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server.

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This manual Reference Other manuals
dhcpd(8) referred by dhclient(8) | dhclient-script(8) | dhclient.conf(5) | dhclient.leases(5) | dhcp-eval(5) | dhcp-options(5) | dhcpctl(3) | dhcpd.conf(5) | dhcpd.leases(5) | dhcpdump(8) | dhcping(8) | dhcrelay(8) | omapi(3) | omshell(1)
refer to dhclient(8) | dhcpctl(3) | dhcpd.conf(5) | dhcpd.leases(5) | dhcrelay(8) | omapi(3) | syslog(3)
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