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FIG2DEV(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Translates Fig code to various graphics languages.

Jan 2017
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This manual Reference Other manuals
fig2dev(1) referred by ann2fig(1) | chemtool(1) | fig2mpdf(1) | fig2ps(1) | fig2ps2tex(1) | pic2tpic(1) | tatd(1) | tcbd(1) | tcpd(1) | tcrd(1) | tdfd(1) | tdpd(1) | tefd(1) | terd(1) | tesd(1) | tfet(1) | tfrt(1) | tgd(1) | tgt(1) | tgtt(1)
refer to pic(1) | ppmmake(1) | transfig(1)
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