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LOGIN(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Begin session on the system.

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login(1) referred by ac(1) | agetty(8) | altera_jtag_uart(4freebsd) | ash(1) | bash(1) | bash-builtins(7) | bash-static(1) | clogin(1) | Config::Model::models::Systemd::Section::Service(3pm) | crypt(3) | dash(1) | dump-utmp(8) | efax(1) | efax-0.9a(1) | environ(7) | faillog(8) | group(5) | in.rlogind(8) | in.telnetd(8) | intro(1)
refer to agetty(8) | dash(1) | login.defs(5) | nologin(5) | passwd(1) | passwd(5) | securetty(5) | su(1)
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