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PASSWD(5) - Linux manual page online | File formats

The password file.

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passwd(5) referred by ash(1) | Authen::Simple::Passwd(3pm) | chage(1) | chfn(1) | chsh(1) | cpgr(8) | cppw(8) | credentials(7) | crypt(3) | darcs(1) | dash(1) | environ(7) | expiry(1) | ext_unix_group_acl(8) | fdm.conf(5) | fgetpwent(3) | ftpasswd(8) | ftpd(8) | getgrouplist(3) | getpw(3)
refer to crypt(3) | finger(1) | getent(1) | getpwnam(3) | login(1) | passwd(1) | pwck(8) | pwconv(8) | pwunconv(8) | shadow(5) | su(1) | sulogin(8)
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