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NETSTAT(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multi‐.

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netstat(8) referred by aa-unconfined(8) | arp(8) | bmon(8) | crmsh_hb_report(8) | dnetstat(1) | dstat(1) | ethstats(1) | hb_report(8) | ifconfig(8) | ipsec_look(8) | netcap(8) | nethogs(8) | netmask(1) | networks(5) | proc(5) | rarp(8) | route(8) | socklist(8) | traceroute.db(1)
refer to ifconfig(8) | ip(8) | iptables(8) | proc(5) | route(8) | ss(8)
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