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IP(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Show / manipulate routing, network devices, interfaces and tunnels.

20 Dec 2011
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ip(8) referred by avahi-autoipd.action(8) | bmon(8) | bridge(8) | crmsh_hb_report(8) | ctdbd.conf(5) | dnetinfo(8) | dnroute(8) | firehol-connmark(5) | firehol-dscp(5) | firehol-mark(5) | genl(8) | ifmetric(8) | ifstat(8) | ifupdown-addons-interfaces(5) | ifupdown-multi-interfaces(5) | ip(7) | ip-address(8) | ip-addrlabel(8) | ip-fou(8) | ip-l2tp(8)
refer to grep(1) | ip-address(8) | ip-addrlabel(8) | ip-l2tp(8) | ip-link(8) | ip-maddress(8) | ip-monitor(8) | ip-neighbour(8) | ip-netns(8) | ip-ntable(8) | ip-route(8) | ip-rule(8) | ip-token(8) | ip-tunnel(8) | ip-xfrm(8) | wc(1)
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