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OGGENC(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Encode audio into the Ogg Vorbis format.

2008 October 05
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This manual Reference Other manuals
oggenc(1) referred by abcde(1) | crip(1) | dir2ogg(1) | divxenc(1) | fadecut(1) | ffmpeg-all(1) | ffmpeg-codecs(1) | ffserver-all(1) | h264enc(1) | jack(1) | ocp(1) | ogg123(1) | oggdec(1) | ogginfo(1) | pacpl(1) | ripit(1) | vorbiscomment(1) | xvidenc(1) | yaret(1)
refer to ffmpeg2theora(1) | flac(1) | kateenc(1) | ogg123(1) | oggdec(1) | speexenc(1) | vorbiscomment(1)
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