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SETFONT(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Load EGA/VGA console screen font.

11 Feb 2001
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This manual Reference Other manuals
setfont(8) referred by charsets(7) | displayfont(1) | fim(1) | ioctl_console(2) | loadunimap(8) | mapscrn(8) | psfaddtable(1) | psfgettable(1) | psfstriptable(1) | psfxtable(1) | resizecons(8) | showconsolefont(8) | splitfont(1) | unicode_start(1) | unicode_stop(1)
refer to loadunimap(8) | mapscrn(8) | psfaddtable(1) | unicode_start(1) | utf-8(7)
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