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CHARSETS(7) - Linux manual page online | Overview, conventions, and miscellany

Character set standards and internationalization.

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charsets(7) referred by armscii-8(7) | ascii(7) | charmap(5) | console_codes(4) | convmv(1) | cp1251(7) | cp1252(7) | dotextwrap(1) | eoconv(1) | iconv(1) | ioctl_console(2) | iso_8859-1(7) | iso_8859-10(7) | iso_8859-11(7) | iso_8859-13(7) | iso_8859-14(7) | iso_8859-15(7) | iso_8859-16(7) | iso_8859-2(7) | iso_8859-3(7)
refer to ascii(7) | iconv(1) | iso_8859-1(7) | setfont(8) | unicode(7) | utf-8(7) | xterm(1)
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