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SHAPE_RMS(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Introduction to the shapeTools Release Management System.

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shape_RMS(1) referred by cphist(1) | rmhist(1) | sfind(1) | shape(1) | shape_build(1) | shape_releas(1) | shape_stdrul(7) | shape_stdvar(7) | shape_tar(1) | shape_tmpl(7)
refer to make(1) | patch(1) | shape(1) | shape_build(1) | shape_depend(1) | shape_patch(1) | shape_releas(1) | shape_stdrul(7) | shape_stdvar(7) | shape_tar(1) | shape_tmpl(7) | vadm(1) | vl(1)
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