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TCP(7) - Linux manual page online | Overview, conventions, and miscellany

TCP protocol.

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tcp(7) referred by Config::Model::models::Systemd::Section::Socket(3pm) | getsockopt(2) | ip(7) | listen(2) | lttng-relayd(8) | msocket(2viewos) | mtr-packet(8) | poll(2) | proc(5) | recv(2) | select_tut(2) | send(2) | sendfile(2) | services(5) | sinfod(8) | slapd-config(5) | slapd.conf(5) | sock_diag(7) | sockatmark(3) | socket(1)
refer to accept(2) | bind(2) | connect(2) | fcntl(2) | getsockopt(2) | ioctl(2) | ip(7) | listen(2) | recv(2) | select(2) | send(2) | sendfile(2) | socket(2) | socket(7) | write(2)
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