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TGIF(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Xlib based interactive 2-D drawing facility under X11. Supports hierarchical construction of drawings.

Version 4.2 Patchlevel 3 and Above
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tgif(1) referred by pstoepsi(1)
refer to bitmap(1) | dash(1) | djpeg(1) | dvips(1) | env(1) | gs(1) | kill(1) | latex(1) | lpr(1) | man(1) | mktemp(3) | netpbm(1) | ps2pdf(1) | pstoepsi(1) | rand(3) | sxpm(1) | tempnam(3) | xfd(1) | xfontsel(1) | xlsfonts(1)
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