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UNAME(2) - Linux manual page online | System calls

Get name and information about current kernel.

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uname(2) referred by arch(1) | autofs(5) | autofs.conf(23) | awffull(1) | clone(2) | Config::Model::models::Systemd::Section::Service(3pm) | Config::Model::models::Systemd::Section::Unit(3pm) | core(5) | eaddress(1) | explain(1) | explain(3) | explain_uname(3) | explain_uname_or_die(3) | getdomainname(2) | gethostname(2) | ipa-join(1) | loadmeter(1) | lvmsystemid(7) | modprobe(8) | namespaces(7)
refer to getdomainname(2) | gethostname(2) | namespaces(7) | uname(1)
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