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XEV(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

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xev 1.2.2
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xev(1) referred by cnee(1) | feh(1) | fluxbox-keys(5) | gromit(1) | gromit-mpx(1) | imwheel(1) | mlterm(1) | notion(1) | spectrwm(1) | urxvt(1) | volumeicon(5) | x11vnc(1) | xbindkeys(1) | xbindkeys_show(1) | xboxdrv(1) | xcape(1) | xcb_ungrab_key(3) | xkbevd(1) | xmodmap(1)
refer to X(7) | xdpyinfo(1) | xwininfo(1)
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