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MDOC(7) - Linux manual page online | Overview, conventions, and miscellany

Quick reference guide for the -mdoc macro package.

July 11, 1999
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This manual Reference Other manuals
mdoc(7) referred by demandoc(1) | dh_installman(1) | doclifter(1) | groff_mdoc(7) | man(7) | man-pages(7) | man.conf(5) | mandoc(1) | mandoc.db(5) | mandoc_char(7) | mandoc_eqn(7) | mandoc_man(7) | mandoc_mdoc(7) | mandoc_roff(7) | mandoc_tbl(7) | mandocd(8) | mapropos(1) | markdown2man(1) | mcatman(8) | mdoc.samples(7)
refer to groff_mdoc(7) | man(7) | man-pages(7) | mdoc.samples(7)
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