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XZ(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files.

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xz(1) referred by bsdcat(1) | bsdtar(1) | comprez(1) | dirfile-encoding(5) | dose-distcheck(1) | dpkg-scanpackages(1) | groff_filenames(7) | groffer(1) | kup(1) | libarchive(3) | libguestfs-make-fixed-appliance(1) | lzmainfo(1) | machinectl(1) | minicoredumper.recept.json(5) | pixz(1) | pmie_check(1) | pmlogger_check(1) | pxz(1) | ra(1) | tar(1)
refer to bzip2(1) | cat(1) | dash(1) | find(1) | flac(1) | getopt(3) | gzip(1) | mmap(2) | tar(1) | ulimit(1posix) | xargs(1) | xzdec(1) | xzdiff(1) | xzgrep(1) | xzless(1) | xzmore(1) | 7z(1)
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