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DPKG-ARCHITECTURE(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Set and determine the architecture for package building.

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dpkg-architecture(1) referred by cowpoke(1) | cvs-debc(1) | cvs-debi(1) | cvs-debrelease(1) | deb-src-control(5) | deb-src-rules(5) | debc(1) | debi(1) | debrelease(1) | debrsign(1) | debsign(1) | dh-exec(1) | dh-exec-filter(1) | dh-exec-subst(1) | dpkg-buildpackage(1) | Dpkg::Arch(3perl) | pbuilder(8) | pbuilderrc(5)
refer to dpkg(1) | dpkg-buildpackage(1)
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