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FSTAB(5) - Linux manual page online | File formats

Static information about the filesystems.

February 2015
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fstab(5) referred by bilibop.conf(5) | bootparam(7) | cdist-type__mount(7) | cgroupfs-mount(8) | davfs2.conf(5) | di(1) | dump(8) | euca-bundle-vol(1) | findmnt(8) | fsck(8) | fsck.btrfs(8) | fsck.xfs(8) | fsck.zfs(8) | gentoo(1x) | getfsent(3) | getfsstat(2freebsd) | getmntent(3) | gkrellm(1) | jfs_tune(8) | kdb-fstab(1)
refer to blkid(8) | df(1) | dump(8) | e2label(8) | fatlabel(8) | filesystems(5) | findmnt(8) | fsck(8) | getmntent(3) | lsblk(8) | mount(8) | swapon(8) | umount(8) | xfs_admin(8)
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