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SUDO(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Execute a command as another user.

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sudo(8) referred by byobu(1) | check_backuppc(8) | cowpoke(1) | credentials(7) | dacs.install(7) | ecryptfs-recover-private(1) | File::Read(3pm) | firehol(1) | fpsync(1) | game-data-packager(6) | git-pbuilder(1) | growisofs(1) | guestfs-hacking(1) | irexec(1) | lb_testroot(1) | lockout(1) | logcheck(8) | lxqt-sudo(1) | metastudent(1) | nsswitch.conf(5)
refer to fork(2) | halt(8) | passwd(5) | shutdown(8) | stat(2) | su(1) | sudo.conf(5) | sudoers(5) | sudoreplay(8) | visudo(8)
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