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TCPD(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Access control facility for internet services.

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tcpd(8) referred by amq-check-wrap(8) | argus(8) | hosts_access(5) | in.identtestd(8) | leafnode(8) | mountd(8) | netmask(1) | pptpctrl(8) | radium(8) | rlinetd.conf(5) | rpc.dracd(8) | safe_finger(8) | saned(8) | scanbm(8) | statd(8) | stunnel3(8) | stunnel4(8) | texpire(8) | tinyleaf(8) | try-from(8)
refer to hosts_access(3) | hosts_access(5) | inetd(8) | syslog(3) | syslog.conf(5)
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