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XSH_RESPON_SLIT_NOD(7) - Linux manual page online | Overview, conventions, and miscellany

Reduce STD star frames in SLIT configuration and nod mode.

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xsh_respon_slit_nod(7) referred by xsh_2dmap(7) | xsh_cfg_recover(7) | xsh_flexcomp(7) | xsh_geom_ifu(7) | xsh_lingain(7) | xsh_mbias(7) | xsh_mdark(7) | xsh_mflat(7) | xsh_orderpos(7) | xsh_predict(7) | xsh_respon_slit_offset(7) | xsh_respon_slit_stare(7) | xsh_scired_ifu_offset(7) | xsh_scired_ifu_offset_drl(7) | xsh_scired_ifu_stare(7) | xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl(7) | xsh_scired_slit_nod(7) | xsh_scired_slit_offset(7) | xsh_scired_slit_stare(7) | xsh_util_physmod(7)
refer to xsh_2dmap(7) | xsh_cfg_recover(7) | xsh_geom_ifu(7) | xsh_lingain(7) | xsh_mbias(7) | xsh_mdark(7) | xsh_mflat(7) | xsh_orderpos(7) | xsh_predict(7) | xsh_respon_slit_offset(7) | xsh_respon_slit_stare(7) | xsh_scired_ifu_offset(7) | xsh_scired_ifu_offset_drl(7) | xsh_scired_ifu_stare(7) | xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl(7) | xsh_scired_slit_nod(7) | xsh_scired_slit_offset(7) | xsh_scired_slit_stare(7) | xsh_util_physmod(7) | xsh_wavecal(7)
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