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ABCDE(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Grab an entire CD and compress it to Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex, AAC, WavPack, Monkey's Audio.

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abcde(1) referred by
refer to cd-discid(1) | cdparanoia(1) | curl(1) | eject(1) | eyeD3(1) | faac(1) | fdkaac(1) | flac(1) | gm(1) | icedax(1) | id3(1) | mid3v2(1) | mkcue(1) | normalize-audio(1) | oggenc(1) | speexenc(1) | twolame(1) | vorbisgain(1) | wavpack(1) | wget(1)
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