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EPGSEARCH(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Searchtimer and replacement of the VDR program menu.

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epgsearch(1) referred by createcats(1) | epgsearch(4) | epgsearch.conf(5) | epgsearchblacklists.conf(5) | epgsearchcats.conf(5) | epgsearchchangrps.conf(5) | epgsearchcmds.conf(5) | epgsearchdirs.conf(5) | epgsearchmenu.conf(5) | epgsearchswitchtimers.conf(5) | epgsearchtemplates.conf(5) | epgsearchuservars.conf(5) | noannounce.conf(5) | timersdone.conf(5)
refer to createcats(1) | epgsearch(4) | epgsearch.conf(5) | epgsearchblacklists.conf(5) | epgsearchcats.conf(5) | epgsearchchangrps.conf(5) | epgsearchcmds.conf(5) | epgsearchdirs.conf(5) | epgsearchmenu.conf(5) | epgsearchtemplates.conf(5) | epgsearchuservars.conf(5)
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